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  • 简介:

      在云南怒江边的大山里,生活着一群没有户籍的傈僳族人。这里没有学校,没有医院,偶尔会有慈善人士来教孩子们一些文化知识。由于不能上学,孩子们的时间都用来给家里干活。影片纪录了这批傈僳族人中兄弟俩的生活:哥哥此利华17岁,弟弟甲利华10岁。他们的爸爸在弟弟六个月大的时候去世了,妈妈改嫁山下,没有带走他们,兄弟俩在山上跟着外婆、舅舅生活。在艰辛和困苦之外,他们的生活也有着简单的快乐。  This documentary is about the life of two Lisu brothers who live on the Biluo mountain where Nujiang River passes. The elder brother, Cilihua, is 17 years old and the younger one, Jialihua is 10. Their father died when the younger brother was only six months. Their mother remarried and settled at the foot of the mountain, leaving the boys to her mother and brother. There is no school on the mountain and the kids spend their time shouldering the family chores. Even with the misfortune and hardship, simple happiness is never far from their life.



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