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  • 简介:

      地点:特莱西恩施塔特,一个独特的被阿道夫·艾希曼称为“模范集中营”而宣传的地方,隐藏着其真实面目——毒气室前的最后一步而误导着世界和犹太人民。一个男人:本杰明·穆勒斯坦因,特莱西恩施塔特犹太议会的最后一任主席,被流放的落难英雄,从1938年至战争结束期间被迫与艾希曼日复一日地谈判,而到了艾希曼被审判之日却甚至没有被传唤作证,尽管他无疑是最了解这位纳粹死刑执行者的人。距离《浩劫》超过二十五年,克劳德·朗兹曼的新作展现了纳粹大屠杀鲜为人知却意义重大的一面,并前所未有地揭示了“最终方案”的起源。  A place: Theresienstadt. A unique place of propaganda which Adolf Eichmann called the "model ghetto", designed to mislead the world and Jewish people regarding its real nature, to be the last step before the gas chamber. A man: Benjamin Murmelstein, last president of the Theresienstadt Jewish Council, a fallen hero condemned to exile, who was forced to negotiate day after day from 1938 until the end of the war with Eichmann, to whose trial Murmelstein wasn't even called to testify. Even though he was without a doubt the one who knew the Nazi executioner best. More than twenty-five years after Shoah, Claude Lanzmann's new film reveals a little-known yet fundamental aspect of the Holocaust, and sheds light on the origins of the "Final Solution" like never before.



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