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  • 简介:

      当康复中的酒鬼Robert(Pau Masó)回到布达佩斯与朋友们重新联系时;他也遇到了神秘的Hugo(Matthew Crawley),一个高大蓝眼睛的陌生人,他给了他最渴望的东西,迅速获得了他的信任。罗伯特不顾内心的劝告,心甘情愿地接受了雨果提出的周末度假建议。当雨果的真实意图被揭穿后,开始的田园周末发生了险恶的变化。  When Robert (Pau Masó), a recovering alcoholic, returns to Budapest to reconnect with friends; he also meets the enigmatic Hugo (Matthew Crawley), a tall blue-eyed stranger who quickly gains his trust by giving him what he craves most. Robert willingly accepts Hugo's proposal of a weekend getaway, against the advice of his inner circle. What begins as an idyllic weekend takes a sinister turn when Hugo's true intentions are revealed.



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